
Group maintainers:
remi, siwinski, trasher
Tracked and untracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 867
Name Fedora Rawhide Fedora 40 Fedora 39 EPEL 9 NEXT EPEL 9 EPEL 8 EPEL 7 Running Package groups
php-aws-php-sns-message-validator php
php-composer-semver3 php
php-email-address-validation php
php-grasmash-expander php
php-maxminddb php
php-PHP-CSS-Parser php
php-zstd php
libdmtx php
php-adodb php
php-apigen-theme-bootstrap php
php-apigen-theme-default php
php-brumann-polyfill-unserialize php
php-channel-dropbox-php php
php-channel-drush php
php-channel-ezc php
php-channel-horde php
php-channel-nrk php
php-channel-pearplex php
php-channel-phing php
php-channel-phpseclib php
php-channel-pirum php
php-channel-sabredav php
php-channel-swift php
php-composer-xdebug-handler php
php-d11wtq-boris php
php-dropbox-php-Dropbox php
php-drush-drush php
php-ezc-Archive php
php-ezc-Authentication php
php-ezc-AuthenticationDatabaseTiein php
php-ezc-Base php
php-ezc-Cache php
php-ezc-Configuration php
php-ezc-ConsoleTools php
php-ezc-Database php
php-ezc-DatabaseSchema php
php-ezc-EventLog php
php-ezc-EventLogDatabaseTiein php
php-ezc-Feed php
php-ezc-File php
php-ezc-Graph php
php-ezc-Mail php
php-ezc-PersistentObject php
php-ezc-PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein php
php-ezc-SystemInformation php
php-ezc-Template php
php-ezc-Webdav php
php-geshi php
php-getid3 php
php-horde-mnemo php
php-horde-passwd php
php-htmLawed php
php-idn php
phpldapadmin php
php-magickwand php
phpMyAdmin php
php-opis-closure php
php-password-compat php
php-pear-Auth php
php-pear-Auth-RADIUS php
php-pear-Auth-SASL php
php-pear-Benchmark php
php-pear-Cache php
php-pear-Cache-Lite php
php-pear-CAS php
php-pear-CodeGen php
php-pear-CodeGen-PECL php
php-pear-Console-Color php
php-pear-console-color2 php
php-pear-Console-Getargs php
php-pear-Console-ProgressBar php
php-pear-Crypt-Blowfish php
php-pear-Date php
php-pear-Date-Holidays php
php-pear-Date-Holidays-USA php
php-pear-DB php
php-pear-DB-DataObject php
php-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder php
php-pear-DB-QueryTool php
php-pear-Event-Dispatcher php
php-pear-File php
php-pear-File-CSV php
php-pear-File-Find php
php-pear-File-Fstab php
php-pear-File-Passwd php
php-pear-File-SMBPasswd php
php-pear-File-Util php
php-pear-HTML-Common php
php-pear-HTML-QuickForm php
php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-advmultiselect php
php-pear-HTML-QuickForm-ElementGrid php
php-pear-HTML-Table php
php-pear-HTTP php
php-pear-HTTP-Client php
php-pear-HTTP-OAuth php
php-pear-HTTP-Request php
php-pear-HTTP-Request2 php
php-pear-HTTP-Upload php
php-pear-Image-Canvas php
php-pear-Image-Color php
Tracked and untracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 867