
Group maintainers:
remi, siwinski, trasher
Tracked and untracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 867
Name Fedora Rawhide Fedora 40 Fedora 39 EPEL 9 NEXT EPEL 9 EPEL 8 EPEL 7 Running Package groups
php-andrewsville-php-token-reflection php
php-bantu-ini-get-wrapper php
php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle php
php-ircmaxell-security-lib php
php-jdorn-sql-formatter php
php-symfony-psr-http-message-bridge php
php-true-punycode php
php-cssjanus php
php-echonest-api php
php-liuggio-statsd-php-client php
php-phpdocumentor-reflection1 php
php-symfony php
php-symfony3 php
php-wikimedia-assert php
php-symfony-monolog-bundle php
php-aws-php-sns-message-validator php
php-cache-adapter-common php
php-cache-filesystem-adapter php
php-deepdiver-zipstreamer php
php-doctrine-annotations php
php-doctrine-cache php
php-doctrine-datafixtures php
php-doctrine-dbal php
php-doctrine-orm php
php-doctrine-persistence2 php
php-doctrine-persistence3 php
php-egulias-email-validator php
php-email-address-validation php
php-endroid-qrcode php
php-erusev-parsedown php
php-Faker php
php-fig-link-util php
php-interfasys-lognormalizer php
php-ircmaxell-random-lib php
php-kukulich-fshl php
php-mikealmond-musicbrainz php
php-nyholm-psr7 php
php-paragonie-random-compat php
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-common php
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock php
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2 php
php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver php
php-phpseclib php
php-pimple php
php-punic php
php-scssphp php
php-sentry php
php-stecman-symfony-console-completion php
php-symfony-polyfill php
php-ast php
php-maxminddb php
php-pear-CodeGen php
php-pear-CodeGen-PECL php
php-pecl-dio php
php-pecl-event php
php-pecl-fann php
php-pecl-igbinary php
php-pecl-imagick php
php-pecl-inotify php
php-pecl-ip2location php
php-pecl-mailparse php
php-pecl-mcrypt php
php-pecl-memcached php
php-pecl-msgpack php
php-pecl-pcov php
php-pecl-pq php
php-pecl-rpminfo php
php-pecl-ssdeep php
php-pecl-uopz php
php-pecl-uuid php
php-pecl-xattr php
php-pecl-yac php
php-phpiredis php
php-theseer-directoryscanner php
php-zstd php
composer php
libdmtx php
libkolabxml php python swig
mapserver perl-sig php python swig
php-fedora-autoloader php
phpldapadmin php
php-libvirt php
phpMyAdmin php
php-nikic-php-parser4 php
php-patchwork-jsqueeze php
php-pear-Auth-SASL php
php-pear-Mail php
php-pear-Mail-Mime php
php-pear-Net-IDNA2 php
php-pear-Net-SMTP php
php-pear-Net-Socket php
php-pecl-amqp php
php-pecl-apfd php
php-pecl-ds php
php-pecl-gearman php
php-pecl-http php
php-pecl-json-post php
php-pecl-krb5 php
php-pecl-lzf php
php-pecl-memcache php
Tracked and untracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 867