
Group maintainers:
remi, siwinski, trasher
Tracked and untracked packages from 801 to 867 from total 867
Name Fedora Rawhide Fedora 40 Fedora 39 EPEL 9 NEXT EPEL 9 EPEL 8 EPEL 7 Running Package groups
php-symfony-contracts php
php-symfony-contracts2 php
php-symfony-requirements-checker php
php-symfony-security-acl php
php-tcpdf php
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-barcode php
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-color php
php-theseer-fDOMDocument php
php-theseer-tokenizer php
php-tracy php
php-twig php
php-twig2 php
php-twig3 php
php-typo3-phar-stream-wrapper2 php
php-udan11-sql-parser php
phpunit10 php
phpunit7 php
phpunit8 php
phpunit9 php
php-vlucas-phpdotenv php
php-voms-admin php
phpwapmail php
php-webflo-drupal-finder php
php-webimpress-http-middleware-compatibility php
php-webimpress-safe-writer php
php-webmozart-assert php
php-whitehat101-apr1-md5 php
php-wikimedia-avro php
php-wikimedia-cdb php
php-wikimedia-ip-set php
php-wikimedia-utfnormal php
php-xcache php
php-xmlseclibs php
php-yoast-phpunit-polyfills php
php-zetacomponents-document php
php-zetacomponents-graph php
php-zetacomponents-unit-test php
php-zipstream php
php-zordius-lightncandy php
php-zumba-json-serializer php
psysh php
php-pear-CodeGen php
php-pear-CodeGen-PECL php
php-theseer-directoryscanner php
libdmtx php
libkolabxml php python swig
php-adodb php
php-fedora-autoloader php
php-geshi php
php-IDNA_Convert php
phpldapadmin php
php-pear-Auth-SASL php
php-pear-Cache-Lite php
php-pear-Date php
php-pear-HTTP-Request php
php-pear-Mail php
php-pear-Net-IDNA2 php
php-pear-Net-SMTP php
php-pear-Net-Socket php
php-pear-Net-URL php
php-pear-Text-Diff php
php-Smarty php
php-smarty-gettext php
php-theseer-autoload php
php-xmpphp php
php-zetacomponents-base php
php-zetacomponents-console-tools php
Tracked and untracked packages from 801 to 867 from total 867